The World’s Most Famous Fashion Magazines

There’s something incredibly satisfying about going to bed on the sofa on a Sunday and reading a magazine – a ritual that no digital app can assume.

Magazines can never go out of fashion. Most of us always go back through these silky smooth pages for fashion and lifestyle advice (not to mention the celebrity columns), thanks to editions like Vogue, Cosmopolitan and the rest that still have been these common places in what we love to live.

And that’s what there was (this taste for the pleasure of reading a good magazine) before the arrival of Instagram and YouTube influencers, as well as all kinds of varieties of bloggers, with more quality, but it obviously influences the global panorama of the access that ordinary people have to media and information.

A brief history of fashion magazines

The first periodic with items shown in the fashion of the moment is undoubtedly the Mercure Galant the XVIIth century. But it was during the following century that real fashion publications developed. Pierre de La Mésangère wrote in 1818 that the oldest fashion journal is Le Cabinet des Nouvellistes, or the Nouvelles du Tems en Figures, containing a general collection of all the curiosities, novelties and events which arrive each month in all parts of Europe, with a description of the methods, the raiment, furniture dating back to 1728.

The first periodic mode thus make their appearance in the XVIIIth century including theJournal du Taste, or Mail of Fashion (monthly published in Paris from 1768 to 1770), Lady’s Magazine (in) (from 1770) in London, Gallery of French fashions and costumes founded by Guillaume François Roger Molé (1742-1790), published from 1778 in Paris and containing color prints, followed by the Cabinet des modes (1785-1786), the Magasin des modes (1786-1789), the Journal der Moden started in 1786, in Germany. Fashion periodicals then took forms relatively close to those in use today. These are notebooks containing articles and one or more engravings presenting the novelties of Paris fashion to distribute them throughout the country, Europe and even the Americas.

Before the Revolution, some almanacs also served as fashion magazines with articles and prints of the fashion of the day. These little books, which can be put in a pocket, are sometimes totally or partially dedicated to fashion. However, they are only published annually. The Almanach de Gotha (published in French since 1764) contains, before the Revolution of 1789, almost all the time some engravings and articles on fashion, in particular in Paris.

The XXth century

La Gazette du Bon Ton was published in France from 1912, followed ten years later by L’Officiel de la couture et de la mode de Paris. After the resale of the Gazette du Bon Ton, Lucien Vogel, its former owner, founded Le Jardin des Modes. Almost simultaneously appears the French edition of Vogue which will be called Vogue Paris much later.

While it is only secondarily treated during the XIXth century, the high fashion becomes essential for these magazines after World War II, filling many pages of La Femme Chic or the Album Figaro flagship titles of between the two wars alongside the oldest. For several decades, the world press was the guest of two-year Parisian collections for which fashion houses organized private fashion shows. Advertising remains scarce and couturiers establish relationships with magazines in order to publishtheir creations; but not all act on an equal footing, caring for or, in the extreme, despising fashion magazines, like Dior offering the “most helpful press service in all of Paris” and Balenciaga controlling and not giving in to any of the editors requests.


The XXIth century is especially marked by the appearance of magazines focused on children’s fashion: Milk (2003) Kids and Doolittle. Other titles specialize in more restricted subjects such as shoes (Size), jewelry (Dreams) or watchmaking (Watches). In the 2000s, magazines were criticized several times for too much connivance with brands: coverage and reports seem to be only infomercials; “Fashion” editors sometimes work in parallel for big brands, the line is thin.

The most famous fashion magazine

Although there are many ideal magazines for women and men who are already in the age of majority and want to be informed, we will To put together an attempt at which are the most popular and practice prestige, for quality of their respective information, type of edition, photography, creativity, etc.


It is perhaps the most famous fashion magazine in the world, so it is still the one that runs all the lists. Vogue was first published in 1892 as a weekly newspaper which slowly grew into a fashion magazine. Was taken by Count Nast Publishers in 1909, whose approach focused on women. Started to get bigger (although he was unisexual), covering a lot of Columns for women. Anna Wintour assumed her address in 1988 and a swap story was started for vogue. With 11 million subscribers and with 23 countries, it continues to dictate the world of fashion and trends.


ELLE is a French magazine that started in 1945 with the sole approach to feminine fashion. It means “she” in French. A few years after publication, began a slogan campaign which resulted in “If she reads, read Elle”, which gained strength and slowly transformed her into the giant of what is today? Having started in the United States, It is now published in 44 countries with a goal of exciting and everything else exciting for women.

Harper’s bazaar

Harper’s Bazaar, started in 1862, is America’s premier fashion magazine aimed at the upper middle class by publishing polite, informative and provocative content. From the latest trends and catwalks to casual and high seams, the editorial covers some exciting content. Went from weekly publication to monthly magazine and is now in blogs and other digital platforms. New York-based magazine is published in 32 countries.


Cosmopolitan, known as “Cosmo,” ends in your name when posting Women-focused content everywhere. With 64 international editions published in 35 countries and 110 languages, Cosmo is truly global. Started as a family magazine in 1886 and it slowly evolved into Lifestyle Magazine in the 1960s. The magazine had an image change with Helen Gurley assuming control in 1965 and publishing innovative content relating to fashion, sex, relationships, feminism, and anything else considered taboo. “Fearless Feminism and Fun” became the subject of the magazine. The brand has spread like a bane of gunpowder and has started robbing stalls like no other and continues to do so.

BOF – Business of Mode 

The Fashion Business is, in fact, an age-of-age magazine initiated in 2007 by Imran Amed. Is the new boy in the industry who has garnered massive subscription and loyalty in a short period, from students, editors and stylists to all who they really believe in fashion. BOF focuses on content that has authority and has an agenda aptly called “the fashion economist”. If you are a fashion enthusiast who is interested in the internal stories of what it means to make real trends, model and influence the economy.


W, founded in 1972, is an American magazine known for its authentic and stimulating content on culture, fashion, celebrity news, lifestyle, and more. Is another giant which was taken by the editors of Count Nast in 2000 and is headed by Stefano Tonchi. Is known to participate in content that most newspapers generally avoid. This is the reason it gained popularity, which is also the reason it was opened up for controversial columns and features.


InSTYLE is an option not only for women but for all people interested in lifestyle and fashion. Is one of the few editorials that is also known for print copy and blogging. Ariel Foxman, who joined Instyle 25 years ago, was responsible for content until Laura Brown took over a few years ago. Instyle is in 16 countries and Distribute internationally. Whether you need celebrity style advice, hair change, lifestyle options or fashion advice, resort to InStyle!


Allure is an American magazine and brand that focuses primarily on the beauty, health and well-being of women. Is an editorial that is not new to all those who are used to going through the terminals. Founded by Linda Wells in 1991, Allure went through scrutiny in subsequent years in terms of cultural content and vital (but straightforward) details like size etc. With an average of 8 million viewers online and over 5 million subscribers, Allure has enjoyed the trust of its consumers since its inception.


Number was founded in 1998 by Elisabeth Dijan with the aim of creating content and raising its standards to meet the needs of intelligent, intellectual and intelligent women. With many topics in fashion, lifestyle, design, music and art, follow being one of the most influential publications since its inception. The magazines explores the latest men’s fashion trends, different types of fashion and more.


V, founded by Cecilia Dean, began in 1998 as a limited edition magazine, publishing lifestyle and fashion content quarterly. It has four seasonal releases which mainly cover the changing trends in culture, music, fashion, etc. Stephen Gan was known as a creative visionary head for the magazine, which encourages free reign for artists and fashionistas and sample unique voices through innovative columns and images otherwise they are not heard. With over 3 million subscribers, his search for unique stories continues to grow.


Grazia, Italy’s best fashion and lifestyle runner, released its first edition in 1938. Unlike most magazines, Grazia combines trendy fashion, lifestyle and the arts today, news and economics. Your unique approach has won sophisticated and dynamic readers, both in digital and offline communities. It passes through 5 continents, 20 editions and has a total of 35 million readers. Grazia continues to bring unexplored themes and unraveling stories in ways that can’t get elsewhere.

Marie Claire

Evelyn Prouvost, a fashion industry legend, founded Marie Claire in 1937 to explore her insatiable curiosity for culture and lifestyle. Won the readers of the first moment, since its first edition has sold more than half a million copies, and the second doubled the number. The magazine not only talked about fashion, trends, culture and art, but also It was the voice of women to change rapidly times after World War II. It brought together fashion and responsible journalism and sparked people’s interest. Has continued to grow since then and is currently distributed in 35 countries and 24 languages.

Vanity Fair

Another magazine and another great name under the umbrella of Conde Nast! Started in 1913, it worked for two decades until 1936 and had a rebirth in 1983 after taking over from Conde Nast. Vanity Vease’s leadership and guidance of legends over the years, which explains its originality and unmistakable standards. Is valued by industry experts, new era bloggers, fashion enthusiasts and all other stakeholders in lifestyle, art and fashion.

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